Transformative Telemedicine Chatbots

Background Information

The European healthcare clinic faced a significant challenge in patient communications management. They had a large number of patients who were seeking medical care and were overwhelmed with phone calls and emails. This situation put significant strain on their staff and prevented them from providing the best possible care.


The client’s healthcare clinic struggled to manage a large volume of patient communications. They needed a solution that would help them streamline their processes and reduce the workload of doctors and assistants.


SmartCat developed two mobile applications, one for doctors and one for patients, that supported both Android and IOS platforms. The applications offered common functionalities such as profiles, real-time chat, notifications, and a patient passport that allowed patients to upload and share documents with their doctors. In addition, the patient application featured a chatbot that provided quick information and advice, while the doctor application included a calendar for scheduling and managing appointments.

Technologies Used

SmartCat used a combination of DevOps and Mobile development technologies, including IaC with Terraform, CI/CD with AWS Code Pipeline and Code Build, and AWS services such as S3 Bucket, Fargate, DynamoDB, and RDS. For the mobile applications, SmartCat compared Flutter and React Native before ultimately choosing Dart (Flutter) due to its larger community and easier code management.


The solution developed by SmartCat would have significantly improved the client’s operations. By automating many of the communication processes, doctors and assistants would have been able to focus on providing high-quality care to their patients, while patients would have enjoyed a more streamlined and user-friendly experience. This solution contributed to the development of telemedicine by automating communication processes, reducing the workload of healthcare staff, and providing mobile applications that enable patients to manage their healthcare needs remotely, resulting in a more streamlined and efficient healthcare experience for both patients and healthcare providers.

Smart Tip

When developing solutions for healthcare providers, it is essential to prioritize user experience and ease of use. Patients and doctors alike have unique needs, and solutions should be tailored to their specific use cases to ensure they are effective and efficient.

Smart Fact

According to a recent study, more than 80% of patients prefer to use mobile applications to manage their healthcare needs, highlighting the growing importance of mobile technologies in the healthcare industry.

Overall, the project demonstrates the value of developing tailored solutions for healthcare providers, especially when it comes to managing patient communications. By leveraging the latest DevOps and Mobile development technologies, SmartCat was able to develop a solution that would have significantly improved the client’s operations, while also improving the experience of both doctors and patients.

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