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Newsroom, Press media corner and Blog

Welcome to our blog, where we keep you up to date with the latest trends, breakthroughs, and insights from influential figures in the ever-evolving world of technology, news, and media.

23 Results


Company Culture

To walk a mile in the client’s shoes…

We at SmartCat are brutally honest. Honest with ourselves, with each other, and with our clients. This is easier said than done and it works only if you have the right people, which is exactly why choosing our team members and our clients is a long and careful process of evaluation, selection, and mutual respect. We build alliances, we walk the talk, and pave new paths together.

Bojan Kovač


Jun 09, 2021


Data Science

Are you ready for AI?

Data analytics is changing our world in unprecedented ways, driving new products, business models, and breakthroughs in every industry. Machine learning helps companies act strategically on the data they have, homing in on the insights with impact, and allows executives to make much better-informed decisions.

Nenad Božić


May 30, 2021


Data Science Unicorns and Where to Find Them

If you are aware of all the potentials of the current Big Data landscape and you want to transform your business to be smarter, but you have a hard time finding the right people for this organizational change, we can help you.

Nenad Božić


Apr 07, 2021


Freedom vs. Structure (and impact on performance)

Everyone in the organization must be transparent, committed to goals, and “sprinting” to achieve them. Without equal rules for all, the buy-in of employees is not possible and thus motivation will be affected, resulting in bad performance and missed goals.



Mar 30, 2021


Data Science

10 hot reasons your AI project might not work out great

If your company is starting with AI or planning to hire an external consulting company such as ours, this information is a valuable resource that helps to evaluate your level of readiness for this kind of project.

Nenad Božić


Feb 28, 2021

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