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Tech Blogs

Insights from Our Experts

Explore this specially curated section of Tech Blogs, where we delve into the intricate realms of Data Engineering and Data Science, sharing authoritative knowledge and cutting-edge expertise.

24 Results

Data Engineering

Bring functional tests closer to business with Cucumber

Functional testing series In my previous post on the topic of functional testing, Blackbox Testing Microservices, I gave an explanation how we created a separate application which uses REST client to communicate with the main application, thus giving it a kind of input and waiting for a response to verify it. This post will be built […]

Nenad Božić


Sep 20, 2024

Data Science

Power BI

Power BI for business

Whether you are working on attracting new customers and getting people interested in products and services or trying to sell them what you are offering data-driven decision making is something that your teams would highly benefit from. We will show you how beautifully visualized data can bring value to your business.

Nina Milosavljević


Aug 04, 2023

Data Engineering

CoPilot: OpenAI-Powered Assistant

Enhancing the user experience is key to improving any service, whether it’s a website, mobile app, or other digital product. Our plan is to take it to the next level by introducing CoPilot, an OpenAI-powered assistant that allows users to navigate through the system using natural language.

Igor Tica


Apr 11, 2023

Data Science

Not Just Another Database

There is a common thought of databases being either Relational, Object-based, or NoSQL databases. All these types are widely used in every sphere of life, getting optimized and improved over time and helping us store data and utilize it. As modern technology develops rapidly, we strive to develop technologies more suitable for our needs. With […]

Sep 19, 2022

Data Engineering

Polyglot Persistence in NoSQL Space 2022

Years ago it was enough to know one programming language and one storage engine in order to build a system, but nowadays you need to be a polyglot in every aspect. That’s why you need to be familiar with the cost of each choice and to introduce a new technology only when the benefits from it are much higher than the complexity it brings to the table.

Nenad Božić


Sep 04, 2021

Data Engineering

The Next Generation of OSS Software Won’t Be Apache

The Apache Software Foundation (ASF) has been a steward of free open-source software (FOSS) for over 15 years.

Scott Hirleman (guest)


Jun 22, 2021

Data Engineering

Tuning Java Driver for Heavy Write and Low Latency Read Scenario

This tuning guide underscores understanding your unique use case. No one-size-fits-all solution exists for optimizing the DataStax Java driver with Apache Cassandra. Remember: grasp your use case before adjusting the driver and Cassandra settings.

Nenad Božić


Jun 18, 2021

Data Science

Trying to navigate in the Obstacle Tower environment with Reinforcement Learning

In today’s order of things, when artificial intelligence is on the rise, reinforcement learning is a favorable field for new research. It represents a computer-based way of learning from an environment with a focus on achieving a goal. Application of this type of learning is in tasks of optimal management, optimization, and monitoring.

Predrag Njegovanović


Jun 09, 2021

Data Science

Bitcoin Trade Signals

What will Bitcoin do? SmartCat team answers that question with mathematical precision, so by the second paragraph you will start trading and by the end of the post, you will be rich. And by the beginning of this sentence, you’ve probably realized I was joking.

Ljubica Vujović


May 10, 2021

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