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Tech Blogs

Insights from Our Experts

Explore this specially curated section of Tech Blogs, where we delve into the intricate realms of Data Engineering and Data Science, sharing authoritative knowledge and cutting-edge expertise.

24 Results

Data Engineering

How (not) to start with Apache Cassandra

Within several previous projects, we have held consultations for development teams coming from the relational world and adopting Cassandra database. The experience gained from those projects has triggered me to publish my learning guidelines for it. We see a pattern when adopting Cassandra and it involves taking a shortcut rather than an in-depth understanding of how Cassandra works. I will try to address those shortcuts and red flags and give you advice on how to start.

Nenad Božić


Aug 09, 2021

Data Engineering

The Next Generation of OSS Software Won’t Be Apache

The Apache Software Foundation (ASF) has been a steward of free open-source software (FOSS) for over 15 years.

Scott Hirleman (guest)


Jun 22, 2021

Data Engineering

Tuning Java Driver for Heavy Write and Low Latency Read Scenario

This tuning guide underscores understanding your unique use case. No one-size-fits-all solution exists for optimizing the DataStax Java driver with Apache Cassandra. Remember: grasp your use case before adjusting the driver and Cassandra settings.

Nenad Božić


Jun 18, 2021

Data Science

Trying to navigate in the Obstacle Tower environment with Reinforcement Learning

In today’s order of things, when artificial intelligence is on the rise, reinforcement learning is a favorable field for new research. It represents a computer-based way of learning from an environment with a focus on achieving a goal. Application of this type of learning is in tasks of optimal management, optimization, and monitoring.

Predrag Njegovanović


Jun 09, 2021

Data Science

Bitcoin Trade Signals

What will Bitcoin do? SmartCat team answers that question with mathematical precision, so by the second paragraph you will start trading and by the end of the post, you will be rich. And by the beginning of this sentence, you’ve probably realized I was joking.

Ljubica Vujović


May 10, 2021

Data Engineering

Challenges of Monitoring Distributed Systems

Last October one of our co-founders and senior consultants Nenad Bozic held a presentation on Data Science conference 2.0 about challenges of monitoring distributed systems.

This is the abstract of the presentation.

Nenad Božić


Nov 22, 2016

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